With an enthusiastic, organized and professional team we can achieve anything!
Constant upgrading of work processes – software development, automation and optimization
02. Experience since 2003.
Projects implemented for hundreds of clients from all sectors of activity
03. Approach 360.
Complete, integrated and customized solutions – complete coverage of the range of direct marketing services
04. Measurable results.
By increasing sales or other agreed performance indicators
05. Guaranteed answer.
Guaranteed contractual response time
06. Service agreement.
High service level agreement
07. Customer care.
Integrated management complaints & customer satisfaction services
08. Targeted communication.
With a focus on meeting the objectives
09. Reporting the results.
In real time by integrating internal ERP with customer systems
10. Database segmentation.
and direct targeting on target groups
11. Optimization and budgeting of projects.
Resources for getting the best results
12. Transparency in collaboration.
Open dialogue with clients regarding solutions, processes and project challenges
13. Flexibility.
We adapt easily to every situation we encounter
14. Proactivity.
We develop scenarios and action plans that we validate and improve together with our partners in order to find the most suitable solutions and obtain the best results.
15. Empathy.
We listen and understand the needs and opinions of our clients
16. Curiosity.
We like that each project offers us the opportunity to develop, to do research, to understand the trends and evolution of the sector in which we operate.
17. Responsibility in actions.
We follow the results; we respect deadlines and the correctness in the work process
Specialized and well-trained teams with experience in project implementation.