With an enthusiastic, organized and professional team we can achieve anything!


60% efficiency of marketing budgets

In May 2018, the legislation regulating data protection was updated at European level and this forced the Economic agents to recertify the consumers’ agreements from the existing databases.

Therefore, we received from the client the request to carry out a project to clean the database, but through optimized costs.

Identified factors:
  • multiple contacts whose data was invalid (phone numbers no longer active, email addresses invalid) or out of date
  • a higher cost on the implementation of marketing projects and incorrect analysis of results, reporting to a set of incorrect figures
  • we created a landing page through which consumers, based on a unique identification code, to insert their updated data. Each consumer logs only with the unique code (having access only to his data) and we defined the data fields for which the customer requested the update (each field having implemented different verification parameters depending on the nature of the data). We also defined a set of rules by which each consumer was verified with existing data, after data validation, but also rules related to the number of possible updates so that there is no duplicate data in the database
  • after the implementation of the system and the database mapping methods, a first email communication was sent informing consumers about the new changes, how to update their data and information related to deleting data if they are not updated by a predetermined date
  • 5 days after the first communication, the email was sent back to those who did not respond after the first notification
  • at another 5 days, I sent an SMS to all those who did not respond to the first 2 communications
  • we sent the message on several communication channels, to ensure that it reaches consumers, but also to optimize project costs
  • after completing the first set of communications we managed to obtain a status for approx. 50% of the database (either updated or invalid)
  • consumers who were not updated in the first contact attempts were called from the call center, the data being updated by phone

What we did:

Database update 100%
Campaign success rate + 20%
Campaign cost reduction by 60%
Campaign success – 100%
Market share growth by + 3%
Database growth by 65%


3% increase in market share

One of our clients wanted to carry out a marketing campaign through which he wanted, both to increase sales and increase the visibility of the brand in the market. The client communicated to us the prizes he wants to give, the products for which he wants his campaign and the minimum amount for a participant to become eligible and asked us for help in developing the campaign.

Our proposal:
  • creating a campaign page through which their products are promoted, but it will also be one of the registration channels
Steps taken:
  1. we drafted the campaign regulations, based on the data from the client
  2. we performed authentication, after an agreement from the client’s legal department
  3. we created a web platform and implemented the registration mechanism, both via SMS and via the web
  4. we have generated a reporting interface in which are displayed, both raw data and statistics related to consumers and buying habits
  5. we appointed a weekly notary draw from the participants registered in the campaign, validation of the winners based on the regulations and delivery of the prizes to them through the courier companies
  6. we sent multiple direct marketing activations via e-mail and SMS, to stimulate the activity during the campaign

At the end of the campaign, we made a presentation of the campaign using organic data and we came up with proposals for the next activations.


Create monitoring mechanisms

In an emerging market in which consumers’ interactions with the digital environment and with the purchase of products from the online environment is on an upward axis, and the decision to select products purchased by consumers has preponderance in the online environment, more and more businesses have opened new channels for promoting and selling products.

To help our client, we have developed a system that can integrate with the client’s platform and can manage customer interactions in an automated way by offering multiple editing mechanisms.

Campaign success – 100%
The results obtained were five times higher than expected – Success 100%

At DMG, we do not have recipes, each client being approached according to a personalized strategy.

But there were some essential things we keep in mind today:
  1. An emotional message is an extra help in communication
  2. The mailing campaign, doubled by the telephone and emailing campaign, increases the results
  3. Call center training is essential to success
  4. Starting the campaign in the first part of December
  5. Most sponsorships are sent between Christmas and New Year

Direct mailing campaigns thus have an essential role in increasing the amounts that NGOs have available for projects. Direct mailing campaigns thus have an essential role in increasing the amounts that NGOs have available for projects.


Our first DM campaign for an NGO

Our story in the field of NGOs five years ago, following a meeting with the fundraising team of the Royal Margaret Foundation of Romania. The topic of the meeting was related to the receipt of funds for care programs for the elderly. However, the French partners also set a condition for investing funds in a marketing campaign that would generate a larger budget for our client.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that a direct marketing campaign that would generate more revenue was the solution that the NGO needed.

At DMG we had experience in the successful implementation of direct mailing programs aimed at companies and individuals, for the benefit of our customers, most often multinational companies. We were emotional because the non-governmental area was an unknown terrain for us.

Our challenge:

We had to think together with the Foundation a project that would convince the companies to direct 20% of the profit tax, in the form of sponsorship.

Steps taken:
  1. we have chosen a list of 20,000 companies and 10,000 individuals to send a letter with an emotional message from one of the beneficiaries of the Foundation, a single lady, helped by volunteers with household chores and socializing
  2. we have sent together with this letter a form about the direction of the money and the causes to which it will be allocated. I also included that lady’s favorite cake recipe
  3. we sent the envelopes in the first part of December
  4. because most recipients did not respond in the first days, we decided to double the mailing campaign with a call and e-mailing campaign. I remember that it was 20 days of great tension, because I didn’t know what to expect!

We went into the Christmas holidays with a bent heart because we had no answer from the target companies. But the big surprise came when we returned to the office, in January, when I found out that most of the sponsorship contracts were sent on December 31st.

The campaign was successful, the results obtained being 5 times higher than expected. Since then, we have implemented over 50 successful campaigns for various non-governmental organizations.